

I watched a show on the Weather Channel titled Weather Events With The Most Impact. The show was just what I expected it to be right up until the end. I figured Katrina would be number one as usual. When Katrina was named number three and global warning as number two (this was before all the hype about global warning being faked) I started to wonder what they could pick for the top event. I was surprised when they named the North Atlantic storm that so frightened John Newton that he wrote Amazing Grace as the weather event that had impacted the most people. The storm lasted for thirteen days and Newton was convinced he was going to die. When the storm finally ended he wrote the hymn. Amazing Grace is the most popular in the world and the show said that it has, through the years impacted more people than any other hymn. Since it was inspired by the storm, that storm is given credited with having the most impact on the world.
I liked that. Something that made sense and went beyond the hurricanes and tornadoes that we usually hear about. I thought the producers and writers of the show had the courage to think out of the box on that one.

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