

Well hell has frozen over again. The Saints won the Superbowl Game. I could give a lesser damn. What I find amazing is all the fans they have when they have a winning season. These are the same people who have told all the Saints jokes for years. Now they are in the "I've been a Saint's fan for forty years" group. Pleeeze!! The poor Saints have had more jokes told about them than any team EVER. And the news reporters who insist that the Saints having a winning season is someway related to New Orleans making a come back from Hurricane Katrina are really stretching it. Come on! That was over four years ago. The Saints were playing for that $84000. they each got for that ONE game not for some sentimental love of New Orleans. Amazing all the poor people who are shelling out thirty-five dollars to by a Saint's shirt in Winn-Dixie. I had a Saints shirt once but I think I used it to paint in. And for heaven sakes!! Why would anyone want to be know as a part of something call the Who Dat nation. I have no problem with the Saints winning. It's the fans I can't stand. I'm glad the Superbowl is over. Now we can move on to something important . . . like Mardi Gras!

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