
Still Lovin' White Collar

Well Yeah!! I am still really into the USA series White Collar!! I haven't had a show I liked this well since I was in love with Little Joe on Bonanza. I have watched the show all the way through from the pilot and it has gotten better and better. In fact the pilot was really good and there was none of the rough edges that usually drag down a first show. This show is intelligent, funny and there is no blood, guts and gore scattered all over the place. The interaction between the characters Neal and Peter is great. It also shows some great pictures of New York City. And I like all the actors. Tim Dekay makes a great FBI agent and what's not to like about Matt Bomer (the con man). God Bless Texas for giving the world this looker! I don't buy DVD's of series much but I am gonna rush out and get this one. I found this interview with Diahann Carrol and liked what she said about older women. Seems she realizes that just cause we are older doesn't mean we are dead and can't enjoy a good looking man.

Interviewer: If there was one thing you could tell your fans from White Collar about your character that they would find surprising, what would it be?

Diahann Carroll: I think the relationship with Matt is very interesting and it's something that I see in my life, constantly, and that is women who are no longer young seem to find young men interesting and amusing, whereas they were not as interesting and amusing when I was young, and I think that happens to most women. We can afford that kind of relationship at this age.

Interviewer: White Collar has become a real hit with fans. I just want to know, what is it about the show that you think draws in the viewers?

Diahann Carroll: Oh, so many things and not only is Matt beautiful, and his partner Tim, is a very handsome man also, the writing is outstanding, I think, and the look of it, it brings you into it immediately. You want to know what is going on in that set and you want to know who these people are, that operate in that-it's a very-it grabs you, as we say on the ... It's a grabber and, once again, I must make comment about the writing. It's really wonderful.

Interviewer:I also want to know, have you learned anything interesting about the FBI, or con men, since being on the show?

Diahann Carroll: No. I knew a great deal about that before, and in particular, con men.

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