
Oil On The Water

Politics on the coast is truly amazing. I guess I shouldn't be surprised by that fact since this place did host the Dixie Mafia, has a history of past dirty politics and as recently as last year had the May of Gulfport charged with fraud for accepting Katrina money. They will do anything to try to prompt tourism, including hiding their heads in the sand or up their butts. Since the oil rig explosion in the Gulf experts have been saying get ready for an oil spill or for the very real possibility of one. The pipes under the collapsed rig has two leaks. It's dumping oil in the water. BP despite talking a big game is doing virtually nothing. At last report they had two ships out there and are talking about drilling another well to divert the oil. That will take months. Meanwhile there is a spill that seen from the air goes as far as the eye can see. Accu Weather says that it will be near shore by late in the week, and that the area to be affected will reach from Pensacola to South Louisiana. AP reported that the spill is comparable to the 1979 disastrous spill. But the Director of the Sand Beach Authority said yesterday the he didn't think we would be affected. The coast seems to believe their officials. I realize that there is not a lot anyone can do here to prevent this from happening, but at least don't appear so ignorant. At least acknowledge that the giant oily mess is bearing down on us and the sea creatures and birds who live in the waters. At least pull your head out of you butt and stop worrying about the golf tournament that is starting here on Fri. It should stard just in time to greet the oil on the beach. Bet the national media notices.

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