
A Good Character is Fun To Write

I started writing a short story to take a break from writing on The Legend of Story Cazaunoux. I wrote the first short story about a character named Kane, a 17 year old street kid in New Orleans. (New Orleans is a major source of settings and plots.) It may not be worth a shit, but it was fun to write and came very easily. I like characters like Kane. A protagonists has to be liked by the reader and they have to be 'human' unless you want a really boring character. So I made Kane a pickpocket and a very good one. I decided to let him be a guy who could also pick just about any lock, carry a knife and be willing to use it if he needs to, and be a street magician. But he also needed some internal conflict. Well, being a street kid made that easy. Why was he on the street? Who does he like? Who does he fear most? Does he trust people? How does he like on the street? I think a good story needs physical conflict and internal conflict so Kane is a good character to have plenty of both. After I finished the first story (Kane 1) I had an idea for a second (Kane 2) and in that one I introduced a couple of new characters. So Kane now had a network of acquaintance's, friends, antagonists (bad cops?) and others. All was good. And then I saw this picture.
It a photo taken of the back wall of St. Louis Cathedral. And instantly I had the ENDING for a third story. Having the ending means I had the last 200 or so words WRITTEN in my head. So I had to write a story to led up to the ending. It was pretty easy. I love to write stories or books that take a bit of history and make my character fit into the mix. It is easy writing and fun. So I wrote the third story (Kane 3) and it's my favorite so far. Just one problem; this is turning into a book length process. So I may make Kane a book. Even if it is never published it's a good story and I can share with anyone who wants to read it. (It you want to read the stories let me know I'll send you a copy.) I am going to start on Kane 4 this am. He had turned into a really good character and like all of them he has taken off on his own path and I'm just along to record his journey.


  1. So, when are we publishing it? H.

  2. I dare say this one is as good as Story and you know what that means!
