
Rio and the baby Duck

Yesterday one of the many little ducks that live at the apartment got under the net wire fence that we have around the bottom of the patio to keep the dogs in. Rio went out and came face to face with the little fuzzy critter. It scared both of them. The little duck was tweeting for his mother to HELP! And Rio looked at me like WHAT??? He always runs up to the fence after any of the ducks in what is a show of his male badness, but when faced with a real live duck he had not clue. He has a lot of toy ducks and loves them but this THING was live and running around. IN the meantime the mother duck was trying to peck him through the wire. It was a wild five minutes until I caught the little duck and returned him to his mother. When that was done, Rio turned and came in with the look of a watch dog who had done his duty on this face.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I'd been there, fucker. I'd been able to show that teeny chi-chi-wah how to handle a duck. Sadly this is a lost opportunity. Duck is good eating, fuckers. Yum. Almost as good as domesticated gerbils. I'm just saying, fucker. Hampsters taste too much like squirrel.
