
I Sometimes Hate Facebook

Ah, Facebook. How I hate you!! I didn't get into Facebook for a long time because I had nothing that I thought was worthy of writing for a few disinterested people to read. I still think that. And yeah, I realize that this blog is probably boring as Aunt Bertha at a family reunion, but here the thing . . you don't HAVE to read it to try to find something interesting. IF you don't go to a blog you don't read it cause it's not stuck in your face (thus the name Facebook???). On Facebook you have to sort through the bullshit to find the post you want to check out. However, it amazes me how many people think that everyone is interested in every detail of their day. If they fart it is on Facebook! Facebook has everything from how smart their kids are, to how their religious beliefs are functioning, to how much they LONG to be on Facebook 24/7. There is little depth tom any of the posts. Perhaps it's a sign of my old age that I just can't get past being somewhat bored with how many hearts you have collected or what stray animal you found or how many sunflowers you fertilized on Farmville. Of all the games that are available that one is the most boring. Why inflict it on the rest of us? You don't have to post every single time you find an egg do you?? I don't give a shit! I DO enjoy reading about something that friends and family had done, or heard or seen. IF used that way Facebook is a great way to stay in touch. And that is why I still go to Facebook. I recently found a high school classmate that I had not heard from in 40 years. She and I have reviewed past history, caught up on our families and rebuilt a friendship. But we did it with messages to each other and did not inflict it on all the readers. That is what it's all about. But most of Facebook has the depth of one inch of muddy water and a lot of rotten Farmville duck eggs rolling around in a Sunflower patch. Try Twitter. It's shorter, faster and to the point.

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