

Everyone is waiting to hear if the containment of the oil spill works this morning. We are all hoping that it does. I am hoping that it does work for the obvious reason; to stop crude pouring into the Gulf, but for other reasons too. If we expect BP to take care of us we are as foolish as the people in New Orleans who waited for the Feds to take care of them following Katrina. BP is already ignoring the citizens who live here who have volunteered to do clean up work. Over ten thousand have volunteered and yet BP refused to even accept the list of names. In the past week workers in orange vest and hard hats (??) have seen seen picking up debris on the beach before the oil arrives (if it does). When reporters tried to talk to these men they responded that BP told them not to talk. The reporter stuck with them and found that they were from Texas, Illinois, and other areas and hired by BP. The oil company has already said it is contracting out a company to clean oily birds. Why not hire the people here who need and want to help to do this job? At recent town meeting BP offered 'training secessions' for volunteers. These turned out to be simple safety lessons on what to wear (gloves) etc. when picking up trash on the beach. Now let me see. Many of the people who volunteered are lifetime residents of the area. Do they really need this information from BP? That training was a simple way of shutting up the volunteers and it was insulting and patronizing. So if the Coast thinks BP has their best interest at heart they need to check out the Alaskan spill and see how that worked out and how swiftly BP paid claims. (They were still dribbling money to the area in 2009.) If you believed BP you can believe the governor who says the Feds will do right by us if the oil reaches us. While you're at you might as well grab some crude and grease up, bend over and grab your ankles, cause here it comes!

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