
Good Old Wally World!

WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP, N.J. (AP) -- A Walmart store announcement ordering black people to leave brought chagrin and apologies Wednesday from leaders of the company, which has built a fragile trust among minority communities.
A male voice came over the public-address system Sunday evening at a store in Washington Township, in southern New Jersey, and calmly announced: "Attention, Walmart customers: All black people, leave the store now."
Shoppers in the store at the time said a manager quickly got on the public-address system and apologized for the remark. And while it was unclear whether a rogue patron or an employee was responsible for the comment, many customers expressed their anger to store management.

Well, really I don't see why everyone got their panties in a wad about the above news article and the events a Wally world. It's not just black folks who think that the stores and clerks and managers are all asses. Have you ever tried to return any thing to the store, especially if it is a so called seasonal item? I once tried to return a six dollar set of landscaping lights in December and was told that they were a holiday item. What? A person can't use landscaping lights all year? I created a small scene, by backing up the line, yelling for a manager and insisting that they take the sign down that said, "Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed." I was not a damn bit satisfied! And BEFORE I left they knew it. I did get my dollars back after a zoned out check out girl said, "If we refund your money, Walmart loses money." I could feel the veins standing out in my head. I responded with something like, "I give a flying fuck about Walmart making money?!" That's when I got my refund.
That someone got hold of their speaker is not surprising to me. The stores need to get their act together on a whole lot of fronts.

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