
Happy Birthday, Richard or Damn We Gettin Old!

Today is my brother-in-laws birthday and he is standing in the shadow of his 60's. Actually he is so far up against 60 that you can't sick a greased pin between him and it. He didn't make a big impression on me the first few time I was around him way, way back when I first met him. He was such a show off! And there was the little matter of him hitting me in the back of the head with an inter tube while we were at the river. I'm not sure if he has ever admitted to that in all these 40 some odd years. We still have heated discussions about the truth of that matter. Despite the rough beginning I have come to like my one brother a good bit, despite the fact that he still can pull a caper now and then. He does have some pretty good qualities that I seldom mention. He's been a good husband to my sister (she might have a rebuttal to that). and he raise three great daughters and has managed to whip three son-in-laws into some semblance of shape. His nieces and nephews think he's a cool old dude. And I'm pretty sure his little grandson thinks he's the funniest/coolest/smartest/ guy in the world. He's a good hunter, a good Gardener (and hell no I'm not admitting that he can grow a bigger tomato than me), must know a million jokes about any subject and can bake better than Paula Deen. All in all he's been a good brother for a lotta years and I hope he has a great birthday and a whole lot more! Love you, Rich!!!!

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