
Best Friends

Yesterday was my best friend, Clem's 62nd birthday. We have been friends for 54 years since we were in the third grade. That's a hell of a lot of water under the bridge. We attended Meadville Elem. and couldn't wait until recess to get to that dusty playground to chat. We moved on up to what was called Jr. High then. For our graduation from the 8th grade we all wore white dresses and gloves. We loved the Beatles, ironed our hair to straighten it, had a crush on Micheal Landon, played in piano recitals and hymn festivals. We showed her skinny legs and my thunder thighs wearing mini skirts. We baked ourselves trying to get a tan on all day trips to Ship Island. We graduated high school in 1965, attended Co-Lin Jr. College and then on to USM. After college we roomed together on the Coast where we both taught school. She as a music teacher, me in elementary. The two of us have been through a lot together. We stayed close through the years after we married. We have seen the birth of kids, divorce, and the loss of our parents. We called each other checking on sick relatives, and kids and husbands. We spend a lot of time laughing about things that the younger set does not have a clue about. Like love beads, 'sack' dresses, playing Heart & Soul, Rocky and Bullwinkle, Brittany Apartment, Tara and Durray, Led Zeppelin and QT. We know secrets that no one else can remember. Like pounding on the roof of our apt with a broom handle and cooking on a hot plate in the dorm room. We also count on each other for support and loyalty. It's good to have a friend for 54 years. It is also fun for her to be a month older than I am until September 26 when I turn 62. Happy Birthday!!!!!

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