
Obama's List

On Monday, White House director of new media Macon Phillips posted a note on the White House web site complaining of "disinformation about health insurance reform." "These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation," Phillips wrote. "Since we can't keep track of all of them here at the White House, we're asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to flag@whitehouse.gov." So if you sent an e-mail to 'flag' I think you might be a little concerned. I don't write to it because I don't trust the government that we have in place now. I think that Obama wants to keep up with folks who don't agree with him. What he plans to do with that list I don't know. The White House sent out e-mails to a lot of people who e-mailed 'flag' but didn't want to hear from with White House. (I understand this is against a Federal law.) He wants American's to tattle on other Americans. That's fucking amazing! With him and his pushy attitude and his past actions of bulldozing bills and actions into place I don't trust him or think he is above my suspicions. He and his administration have trashed Bush for listening in on suspected terrorist and here he is collecting names of people who disagree with him on domestic policies. That's scary. It reminds me of night raids by hooded men breaking down doors and carting people away. Now he is backing away from 'flag' but I'm sure there are other spy's out there. Some say he is backing away from health care reform. Since he loves to be popular that is not surprising. And maybe those folks in Colorado who carried their guns to Obama's town hall meeting got his attention. It's a good thing for Obama that the press is SO up his ass because none of his press crew can take a hard pushing reporter asking hard questions. Listen for all the stuttering and back pedaling that the White House does. I think the president is a dense, pushy bully who wants to be popular and will try to make people agree with and like him. And if you don't you may wind up on one of his "list".

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