

The Wilson's -- Children, Grandchildren and Great Grand Children

I went to Franklin County for the funeral of my brother-in-laws mother Mrs. R. Wilson yesterday. I have know her for a lot of years and she always had a really fun personality. I don't remember seeing her when she wasn't smiling. She always seemed genuinely please to see you. She was always glad to see us when I went to her house with my sister and her husband. She made the best coffee! It was always strong, hot and rich. I remember sitting in her kitchen at the table talking and a lot of the time there was a game going. Maybe cards or dominoes. She had five kids, four boys and a girl and when we were younger they were all in and out and later there were grand kids everywhere. I like that big family feeling with all the different kids everywhere. Going to her house for the Fourth of July was a lot of fun. There was lots of food, people, and action including fireworks. She was a great person. A true lady and she ran a great home. Her kids and grand kids all respected her then and they still do. It seems that her daughter-in-laws loved her a lot and there are many women who are not honored by the girls their son's marry. She was a true country woman who gardened, canned her produce, welcomed visitors with ease and brought up her kids to be good people. She will be missed, but she touched a huge number of people as will as her family and her memory will live on. I will always remember her.


  1. she could whip a kids ass like a pro too

  2. did i mention that she was a pro at asswhipping?

  3. Bet she had to be!!! With four boys?! She did a good job on ya'll.
