

Today is 9/11. There are a lot of memories of that day eight years ago. They are memories that will stay with those who watched the events much like the bombing of Pearl Harbor stayed with my parents and their generation. It is amazing to me that people can still see the scar on the land in NYC and want troops moved out of the Middle East. It is amazing they they seem to have forgotten the outrage after the attacks of 9/11. It should be remembered. The press coverage on Fox was excellent. Then came the reports of shots fired at a boat from a Coast Guard boat on the Potomac. Within a few minutes there was conformation that it was a training exercise. I fully support the military and the need for practice and maintaining high alertness. At first I thought where is the common sense? Wouldn't common sense say do a low profile drill on 9/11? It makes about as much sense as flying Air Force One very low over NYC a couple of months ago. It scares the hell out of people and for some brings back a lot of bad memories. Is common sense a thing of the past in the USA? Then I thought that maybe the USA has to be scared regularly to remember that we are hated by much of the world and that Obama's ass kissing is not going to change that. There seems to be a lack of common sense on several levels. There is a definite short, short memory in this country. Perhaps we should see pictures of 9/11 daily to remind us of what a large part of the world wants to do to the USA.

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