
Sonic Boom

Shuttle Discovery could create sonic booms along Coast

If space shuttle Discovery is unable to land at Kennedy Space Center in Florida on its first attempt this evening, residents along the Coast should hear a double sonic boom about 7:25 p.m. as the vehicle makes its second landing approach to the site.The shuttle is scheduled to conclude its STS-128 mission to the International Space Station with a 6:05 p.m. landing at Kennedy. However, if that attempt is waved off, the shuttle will make a second attempt at 7:42 p.m. at Kennedy. On the second attempt, residents would be able to hear the shuttle’s signature double sonic boom as the vehicle flies over Mississippi about 7:25 p.m.

I remember as a kid hearing the occasional jet breaking the sound barrier. It often broke windows and always shook the ground and rattled the dishes in the kitchen. It came with no warning since there was no sound from the plane until after the sonic boom. When the sound barrier was broken and you got over the shock of the boom the sound of the plane was heard. The civil defence department on the Coast sent out warning about this shuttle landing. I'm gonna be listening for it. Should be interesting.

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