
Obama Official Bites the Dust

  • WASHINGTON –"President Barack Obama's environmental adviser Van Jones, who became embroiled in a controversy over past inflammatory statements, has resigned his White House job after what he calls a "vicious smear campaign against me. Jones, an administration official specializing in environmentally friendly "green jobs" with the White House Council on Environmental Quality was linked to efforts suggesting a government role in the 2001 terror attacks and to derogatory comments about Republicans. Jones' name appearing on a petition connected to the events surrounding the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks. That 2004 petition had asked for congressional hearings and other investigations into whether high-level government officials had allowed the attacks to occur. Rep. Mike Pence of Indiana said in a statement, "His extremist views and coarse rhetoric have no place in this administration or the public debate." Missouri Sen. Christopher "Kit" Bond said Congress should investigate Jones's fitness for the job. Fox News Channel host Glenn Beck repeatedly denounced Jones after a group the adviser co-founded, ColorofChange.org, led an advertising boycott against Beck's show to protest his claim that Obama is a racist." Yahoo News

I glad that Jones is gone. Seems to me that it's a bit of payback for the Beck mess. I do not understand why it is wrong for someone to say Obama or anyone else is a racist. Blacks seem to think it's OK to scream that some white guy is racist, but don't call any black person a racist, despite his actions and attitudes. I not only think Obama is a racist but he's scary as hell. Obama and his officials think that if they deny their actions everyone will just accept their word. Not all Americans are government addicted idiots. I understand that he is going to speak to the children of the nation. Some parents are all excited but some that take responsibility for teaching their kids think it is "brain washing". I wouldn't want him influencing my kids if I had young children. But there are a lot of folks around who think the governments job is to send them a check, provide food stamps, WIC, and keep the health departments at their beck and call. They think they are entitled to have it all for free and are willing to allow the government to think for them. They give up their freedom for some freebies. Some have become so government dependent that they have lost any sense of self preservation not to mention any pride or independence. I call it just plain lazy. In my opinion that is why a lot of people died in Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. I think they waited for the government to take care of them. I am glad Jones bit the dust. I fully support Glen Beck. He has the balls to say what a lot of people think. If anyone is still thinking it's not a black and white 'thing' then check out the changeofcolor website above.


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