
December Storm

Yesterday was the last day of the 2009 Hurricane Season. We didn't have any major storm problems this year. But today there is a front moving in from the Gulf that has all the potential strength of a Tropical Storm. The local weather is forecasting waves 6 feet above normal, coastal flooding, 6 inches of rain and winds up to 50 miles per hour. It is pushing in from the Texas coast and will possibly be stronger than any of the weather we had during the actual season. The winter storms here look and feel different from the summer tropical ones. Of course it is colder, but there is more to it than that. Even the gulls sound different as they try to stabilize their flight in the wind. I like to watch these storms come in. The usual placid Gulf comes to life with pounding surf, blowing sand and roaring winds. Very few people brave the cold and wind to go to the beach. The ones that do are bundled up in coats. The clouds are heavy and deep gray and there is no discernible line between sky and sea on the horizon. Like all beach/vacation towns there is an entirely different feeling here. Most of the tourist are gone, the beach vendors have packed up and the pace is slower. It's nice. It's fun to watch a storm rolling ashore in December.

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