

It's amazing what a difference a hundred and fifty miles can make in the behavior, attitudes and ways of people. I went to Southwest Ms. to see the family for Christmas. I took the back roads and avoided several towns and the traffic. As soon a I left the coast the driving got simple. There was none of the take your life in your hands mental illness that affects the drivers on the Coast. People actually let you merge or go first at a 4 way stop. About half way up home I noticed several Rebel flags flying. Most were displayed with the US and Ms. flags. I liked it. In the rush for political correctness we Southerners have been pressured and shamed into forgetting that we are descendants of the Confederates who fought and died for what they believed. We should not be ashamed of it. It is part of our heritage and our past. And no I ain't gonna apologize for it. I didn't own slaves so get the hell over it!! As Louisiana writer James Lee Burke says, " it was a different time and circumstance." He also says that the blood of men in gray runs in our veins and that if you look carefully you may see a glance of the Confederate army moving through the woods or see the camp fires glowing at twilight. We in the South plow ground which still turns up Confederate States of America belt buckles and musket balls. We build our homes on land which soaked up the blood of men who fought for their way of life. So I was not ashamed when I saw the Rebel flags. It made me proud. People in this country do not think for themselves anymore and most Southerners don't have the balls to fly the Rebel flag. I also noticed all the guns hanging in the back windows of trucks. It's deer season and people in Southwest Ms. hunt a lot. About four men out of five had on camouflage. It occurred to me that in a disaster, country folks could make it. We still know how to grow a garden, kill meat, can preserves, cook over an open fire, and make our own clothes. We don't do it all now but we could. Maybe I'm wrong but I think that is a Southern thing. And it came from the time when we lived under that Rebel flag, during the time that we were a seperate country and when we were forced to adapt. And country people can adapt. I think we still could if necessary.

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