

According to the weather man it is suppose to snow here tonight. That is according to the local TV but one guy on the radio says it's not going to snow below I-10. He was so sure about that cut off point that I could picture the snow dividing like the Red Sea parting and all the flakes going on the north side and not one single stray flake landing on the south side. The New Orleans station was absolutely pissy cause they were not forecasted to get as much snow as they did last year. That's to be expected since they think everything is suppose to be all about them. The snow that they got last year stopped in Harrison County and didn't make it into Jackson County. We were close enough to smell it last year. When I lived here in the seventies we had a heavy snow of about 8 inches. Even though we don't get a lot of snow up home in Franklin County we get more than down on the Coast and it showed. We woke up that day to the muted stillness that snow brings but it was soon punctuated by the thud of cars banging into each other as they sped up behind each other, slammed on brakes and plowed into the back of each other. Since nearly everyone here drives like a maniac it never occurred to them to slow down. We lived on the corner of Cowan-Lorraine and Pass Road and there were collisions all day. We ventured out to see the beach and watched it happen on Highway 90 too. I'll never forget the heavy black woman who slipped her car off into a deep ditch on it's side. She struggled to get the door open, fighting the angle of the car and gravity. When she got it open she couldn't pull herself out. Finally several people arrived to help. After a lot of slipping and sliding they pulled her free. As soon as her feet touched the ground she went down like a sack of rocks. It took 4 men to finally pull her up to the roadway. "Lord have mercy!" she said. wiping sweat of her forehead, "I didn't know it was that slick!" Neither did anyone else it seemed. These folks drive worse now than then. So let's hope that if it does snow here that it won't stick to the roads. If it does I'm staying home. Coast nuts and snow do not mix!

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