
Drink Tap Water Assholes!

I realize that members of congress have to pay for things out of their office funds. Like salaries, all that printer paper for the health care bill that not one of them has read and salaries. But Damn, let's get real. Who furnishes these office funds? We do. The tax payers. And so you know what your taxes bought. I could live a year on what they spend on bottled water. And Comrade Pelosi sees nothing wrong with this.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) spent $2,993 in taxpayer money on flowers between June and October.

House Majority Whip James Clyburn has a thing for Chantilly Donuts, spending about $265 at the Virginia shop in the past quarter.

All totaled they spent $300 million last quarter. Here is more. And these totals are for JULY TO SEPTEMBER ONLY!

Pelosi, who has come under fire in the past for spending on flowers, also spent roughly $30,610 in food and beverage and about $2,740 on bottled water. (Her offices defended the charges, saying the Speaker’s office holds more ceremonial events with visiting dignitaries than other congressional offices. Yeah and ole Nancy thinks she's entitled.)

House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) racked up about $24,617 in catering costs. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) spent about $1,561 in bottled water and House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) spent no money on water but a touch over $18,000 in food.

House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) spent about $24,116 on food and beverage.
These line by line expenditures used to come just in bound green books, but for the first time ever, Pelosi requested that the reports also be put online this quarter. That's because she REALLY thinks it's all OK. The nearly 3,400 pages were released Monday afternoon and touted by Pelosi as expanding “accountability to taxpayers and the press.” Yeah, she really is a nutty cunt!!!

Cantor and Boehner together spent $69,832.50 on the company’s publications – Boehner spent $48,085 on CQ publications.

Taxpayers foot the bill for leasing cars for members, including cars for Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-Fla.) and Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas).
Rep. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) spent $28,410 with a market communications firm to send a newsletter to his constituents.

And then there are these fellows. Nice to see a few attempt to give something back.

Walz and Rep. Spencer Bachus (R-Ala.) both returned about $2,500 to cut away at the deficit. Bachus, a fiscal conservative, said he does not take cost-of-living increases in the middle of a congressional term. This country has truly gone nuts. And all I hear on TV is "citizens need to do something about it." What? How? How do you rein in this kind of insanity?

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