
Drink de blood!!!!!!

I have always like vampires; books, movies etc. What's not to like? They are sexy, super strong, rich, immortal, and can do what they please. I read all of Anne Rices stuff, the entire Twilight series, the Sooky Stackhouse series on which True Blood is based and I watch every vamp movie and TV show that comes out. Since the beginning of books and movies, vampires have been popular figures in the media. You have classic novels like Dracula and really good early movies like Nosferatu. I think that Twilight and a few of the other new vamp movies and TV shows are a bit insulting to other vamps. First of all, Vampires are deadly creatures who use their sex appeal to get their preys, suck their blood, dry them out, and most importantly, THEY BURN IN THE SUNLIGHT!!! I don’t know if Stephanie Meyer ever read Bram Stroker’s Dracula or Anne Rice’s Vampire Chronicles, because she made her vampires pretty strange. Yeah, she gave them super strength and speed, and also made them pale white, but she forgot a very important thing and that’s that they BURN IN THE SUN. Edward Cullen shines like a freaking diamond when he’s exposed to sunlight! I like the idea that vamps have to sleep in the day and prowl at night. Having to watch out for the sun is their main weakness. A glittering vampire is a little sissy. And Edward can't read Bella's mind? Please. I know he's in love and that makes all the teen girls swoon but come one. Give me Lastat anytime. He bad, really bad and he enjoys it. And what is with the new 'I don't drink human blood' thing? Geeze, your a damn vampire! Why drink rat blood? All the woozie like Edward, Louie, and Stephan (Vampire Diaries) drink animal blood. Bad dudes like Lastat, and Damion drink the real stuff. Some of the new vamps don't even show fangs! That's just too much!!! What's the point in being a creature of the night if you can't enjoy it. Edward is as whiny as Louie in Interview. I like vampires who scale walls, crack necks, suck a lot of blood, are rich, sexy, drive a black Mercedes and have very little conscience. Count Dracula would kick some vampire (and author) ass and he'd show little Edward Cullen what it's like to burn in the sun . Give me a bad ass vampire anytime.

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