
Where's My Nobel?

Talk about getting the cart before the horse!!! Or in this case the cart before the jack-ass! What the hell has Obama done to deserve a Nobel Peace Prize? He called for all kinds of action after he received it, but wouldn't it be better to achieve some positive action before he is rewarded for it? Or maybe he got it just because he's not Bush and unlike George W. Obama has allowed everybody in the world to take a crap on the USA. Maybe we will all start getting the Nobel since they are giving the things away for nothing. One in Cracker Jacks or on the back of Cheerios boxes. Or use them for treats at Halloween and at birthday parties. A lot of folks in the USA are used to free give away programs anyway. I want mine enclose with my social security check. I'm sure the Nobel could be included in the welfare and Wic programs, the local handout organizations for the do nothings. They could be put in Christmas stockings and the tooth faerie could leave them under pillows. Or included in graduation diplomas. Maybe in a basket full as favors in bars and rolled in napkins in restaurants. We could collect one for not screaming in the dentist chair or on the gynecologist table. It seems reasonable to me. After all Obama got one for riding around on his unicorn, flopping his giant ears and blowing smoke out his ass!

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