

Two young guys who are undoubtedly students moved in across the breezeway from us a few weeks ago. Then about two weeks ago two young ladies moved into the building directly across from the guys. They must have walked 200 miles back and forth between the two apartments. The guys were like hounds on the scent of a bitch in heat. I heard their door open and close about 50 times a day. I wondered if they ever went to class. And every time it shut my dogs barked. Yesterday one of the girls came over and there was a loud screaming session as she told one of the young men about ALL of his shortcomings. Then she slammed the door. It shook the building. Evidently she forgot something 'cause she opened the guys door again and screamed at him some more. Another slam. WHAM!!! Later in the evening we went out and when we came back there was a stack of "break-up" stuff dumped outside the guys door. Two fishing poles, a nice suit, pictures, caps, a pair of boots and a wooden gun rack. Ah, young love! I wish they had stayed in a dorm, but maybe there will be a cooling off period and a hell of a lot less door slamming. The dogs and I hope so. The joys of apartment living!Justify Full

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