
Kids Day

Kids were all over the news yesterday. The little buggers!! As my daughter said, "seems like all the children of the corn were out in force."
First was the group of nuts who built a space ship type thing, filled it with helium and made it available to their 6 year old. Granted that when, after calling out the National Guard helicopter, involving law enforcement agencies in a huge area and delaying flights at a major airport, the little darling was found upstairs in a box hiding. Hey parents, keep up with your kids. Gives new meaning to the acorn (nut) not falling far from the tree. Evidently the parents consider themselves free thinkers who are challenging their kids. How about challenging them to think about their actions?

Then there was the little autistic boy in Houston who preformed the Heimlich maneuver on his teacher when she chocked on an apple. He had been taught by his Scout group and when an emergency happened he knew what to do and did it well. There are parents and leaders who are doing what needs to be done. And they are raising a little hero.

The little black boy who got on stage with Obama in New Orleans at UNO and with a truly concerned look on his face ask. "Why do people hate you?" was a favorite of mine in the day of kids. He was really worried and I'm fairly sure he didn't understand Obama's answer that it was 'politics' and that since he got elected president some people liked him. Perhaps Obama should see the kids question as a simple plea for a re-uniting of this country.

But the best question I heard was from a little boy in Biloxi who ask, "Why didn't Obama come here if he is going to take care of us? He went to New Orleans. Doesn't he know we got hit by Katrina?" Excellent question! Bush came to the Ms. Coast 13 times. Obama 0.

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