

I just cannot get into Facebook. Despite what Maxine says about Myspace I like it better than Facebook. Myspace is all about one person and more in depth. It's more of a personal page not random thoughts. I cannot seem to get interested in what friends and others various people are doing, thinking, feeling every minute of everyday as posted on Facebook. When did we all decide that everyone wants to know about all of our thoughts, what games we play and our comments. Of course this blog is a lot of my thoughts, but I don't post it for anyone who doesn't want to see it to read. And I try to cover one topic at a time and do so in depth. Some of the best writers on Facebook give a link to their blogs and I like that. They have something of interest to share. Facebook makes me feel like I'm getting snippets of random thoughts from a whole lot of people. It makes me dizzy. I don't care if they go to town, or what they thought for a two second span in the dentist chair or if it's raining or what their kid did that they thought was cute. Lots of people who post on Facebook think that the entire world is interested in the smallest dismal part of their day. Its mundane!! When I see the space on the computer that ask "What are you doing/thinking right now?" I think who the hell cares!! When did we get so we have to share every thought with everyone? Face it people, most of the day to day events in our lives are boring and of no interest to anyone but us.

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