

The family has decided to give homemade gifts this year. Now that is fine if I could think of something to make. I have not come up with much of anything. I looked on-line and see a lot of stuff that just looks like dust collectors. There are members of the family who have the talent to do this without much trouble. Then there are those of us who haven't got a clue. I found so called bath salts made with Epson Salts and then there was a section on gifts made from ladies' personal products. There were the Maxi-Pad Slippers:Materials Needed:
4 Maxi-Pads
Tape or Glue
Items to Embellish
Now aren't those cute.
But I really liked the Tampon Wind Flute. Check out the materials below. I don't have a picture so you can use your imigiination.

Tampon Wind Flute
3 Tampax cardboard vending tubes
5 Tampax tampon cardboard applicators (unused)
Thin cardboard
Fine-point marker
Utility knife
Hot glue gun
16 tampon strings
Pitch pipe, piano or electronic tuner
Cut the applicators to various lengths, put together side by side with the string and glue. Tune and play.
How isn't that unique?

The gifts for guys are few and far between. But I did find this one. It's a necktie made from Duct Tape. Pretty sharp, huh? SO! You all get ready for some interesting gifts this year. There is no telling what you will find hiding under the tree.

1 comment:

  1. IM really surprised Halley hasn't put your old ass in a home by now. i guess she does not consider you dangerous to yourself or others.
    i will take the shoes, dont wear ties
