

Obama is back to his old bowing games, shaming the nation with his obsessive stooping. Here he is with Japan's Emperor Akihito, bowing almost to the ground like a shogun-era peasant before a guy whose dad bombed Pearl Harbor. Then he followed up the deep bow by jigglin' his noggin' like a drunken bobble-head to the Empress. My dad fought the Japs in the South Pacific in WWII. He never had any use for the Japs and never forgot that they wanted him and his shipmates dead! I don't intend to forget either. It makes me sick to see the scarecrow looking ass kisser bow to them. It should make all Americans sick to their stomachs whether they are an Obama supporter or not. Why can't he stop bowing. Damn! Hey O-bow-ma, pat them on the ass, lock lips with them, give them a gang sign, give them a thumbs up, head butt them or do that terrorist looking fist thing you do with Michelle, but STOP BOWING!!!! I know he's stupid, and the country is (hopefully) beginning to see what a dub Obama is and you would think someone would tell him that bowing to all these people is not CORRECT for the leader of the greatest country on earth (if he doesn't fuck that up). When they see him coming I can hear them snickering and other leaders saying, "here come the groveller-in-chief of the USA".


  1. Just wanted to say that there are those of us who look forward to reading your blog at every chance they get, because you are the only one who gives us the needed blog addiction relief. Keep up the good work! Maybe TAPS will find something good in Pensacola.

  2. what a dim wit. reagan would have never bowed to anyone nor would mrs reagan. by the way ho. i cooked up some apple butter this weekend. cooked for 16 hours. bet you aint gonna get any.

  3. Hey Popeye. My sis will help me rummage through your stash of good stuff and pack me a bag of what I want....HAHAHA!!!!!!!!! Like blueberry jam, fig preserves etc. I going to raid you on the 22th of Dec.
