
Wal-Mart Lied

I wandered into the Ocean Springs Wal-Mart the day before Thanksgiving. There was a near riot going on back in the meat department. Not being one to miss a disturbance I hurried back to check it out. Standing in the middle of a crowd of tired looking women was a tall muscular man dressed as if he just left a construction site. He was holding a turkey in one hand and pointing his finger in the face of the store manager. The conversation went something like this.

"What is this shit? You advertised these turkeys for fifty cents a pound and these are 98 cents a pound! Where are the 50 cent ones?" the shopped said loudly.

"Well, we adjusted the price somewhat," the manager whispered.

"Adjusted my ass! You upped the price after you lured all these people in here with that 'feed a family of eight for $20.' bull shit! That's false advertising. Now remark these turkeys! I want my 50 cent a pound bird. Now!"

The manager really wanted to be somewhere else. He kept motioning for the man to lower his voice. That backfired when the construction worked got a little louder. By now there was a good crowd gathered.

"Well sir. We will be happy to sell you a turkey at 50 cents a pound if you will just come to the front check out," the manager said.

"No, that's not going to shut me up. All these people want their turkey for that price. Wal-Mart should be ashamed of itself. Now mark them down like they suppose to be!"

And he did. I don't know for how long they stayed at 50 cents after the group left. Wal-Mart should be ashamed. Bunch of cheaters. I don't know if this was just the Ocean Springs store or all Wal-Marts. It was an example of holiday greed and was disgusting. Just served to remind me of why I hate that store.

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