
Tiger Woods is a Country Music Song!

A bunch of us were talking about the Tiger Woods so called accident. All the women agreed on exactly what happened to ole Tiger. His wife got pissed off because of all the gossip about him having an affair with some woman in Washington. The National Enquirer ran a story about it a week or so ago. And you can say what you want about the NE, but they are usually right about their stories. And are usually early in getting their stories in print. Anyway all the women in the group agree that Mrs. Tiger got pissed with him about the affair, things got hot and heavy and she pulled out one of his golf clubs and whacked him a couple of good ones. Tiger realized that golf clubs are really clubs and it really hurt and if she got the right spot and the right angle she could kill him. SO he did what any self respecting adulterer does . . . he ran. He jumped in the car and all the while Mrs. Tiger is bashing the hell out of the car. He backs out, and starts up the street and is so busy looking behind him to see if she's still chasing him with that club that he smashes into a tree. And when she sees him all banged up from both her and the car she decides she better not kill him cause after all he is a pretty good meal ticket. So both of them keep quiet about the whole thing. And by keeping quiet they think that the press is just going to ignore the whole thing? I don't think so. A married man. A tabloid mistress. A potentially scorned wife smashing the windows of his car. Tiger Woods is a country music song. But regardless, all of the women who have discuss it think that Mrs. Tiger beat the shit out of Tiger. And she probably did get his attention on the subject of screwing around on her. And if he was screwing around on her he deserved what he got. I guess a golf club is as good as a skillet in a case like this.


  1. I'm pretty sure that is how that happened! H.

  2. Who knew that his wife has a better swing than he does! :)
