
GH Halloween Show

After settling on the sofa with a big bag of chips and a coke I was disappointed with the TAPS Halloween show. It was boring and not LIVE. There were live cameras on a few of the places in the location with the big "panic" button for viewers to hit if a ghost was spotted. They got about half a million hits. Now come on! That's a joke, right? Steve and Tango were suppose to check out the hits on the button. I think they checked about 3 out of the half million. Jason and Grant opted to spend Halloween with their family. Come on guys, Your show is about ghosts, it was Halloween and you were off with the kiddies. Huge let down for loyal fans. All the show covered was the supposed top five shows of the series which the viewers voted on. Those included, the lighthouse in Fla., The Birdcage, and the prison one with the swishing ghost. So five of the six hours were spend watching re-runs. Jason and Grant were taped answering lame questions such as "Why does Jason always drive?" DUH!! Who gives a shit? They were reading from prompters and looked stiff and uncomfortable. They introduced the picks for GH Academy. They were all young, cute, an peppy. What? Older people can't hunt a damn ghost? The TAPS members who bothered to be there were suppose to answer question that were sent on line. About the best part of the show was poor Josh Gates who carried the load for TAPS and when hackers took over the questions that appeared online before SyFy could regain control. I took a shot ofpart of the hackers comments and added below. I wish I had it all. It was pretty funny. I'm still a GH fan and will continue to watch the show. But hope they get their shit together and do better than this.

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