
Just a strolling

I usually watch the Fox news network because I get queasy when I watch the other networks kissing Obama's ass. Tonight I was too lazy to pick up the remote and I watched ABC with Charles Gibson. I steeled myself for the usual sugar coated dose of bullshit. To my surprise I watched nearly all the reports showing the negative side of government events.
There was the one about the group reporting that women should stop doing self breast exams and that they should wait until age 50 for their first mammogram. The government was rapidity trying to back pedal out of that one. The reporter questioned if the reason for the suggestions was to delay detection and save money. After all if your die from breast cancer you can't spend money on treatment and meds. All the medical people who were interviewed were very strongly opposed to the recommendations and the government moved away from it.
The next story was about the government website that had reported an increase in jobs. However the site had evidently fabricated jobs and had even faked the zip codes of the none existent districts where the jobs were suppose to be. The Democrats said it was simply a matter of a few mistakes. Yeah, there have been mistakes all right. Back at the election.
In the next report there was information that 43% of Americans are overweight. Then it went on and on about the cost of caring for the plus sized citizens. It seemed that if you get rid of the fat folks the government can save a lot of money. (Beginning death panels??) Us fatties spend on average $8,315 on health care. Of course they were lumping in all kinds of illnesses into the study including heart disease, diabetics etc. According to them being fat is the root of all evil. (And here I was thinking it was smoking!) Don't be surprised if the Government herds all us fat folks onto a fat farm complete with wire fences and cattle prods and control our food. I suppose they will make us exercise too. Or they might just tax us more. Maybe a certain amount of money per pound. The Obama bunch does like that tax money. Following this report came the news that test on Egyptian mummies detected the presence of heart disease and high blood pressure. I wonder how much their health care cost?
There was the usual stuff about the terrorist trial in NYC as the Obama bunch bull doze over what the people want. Could it be that the dog and pony show will result in the terrorist not being found guilty? Is that what this blockhead administration wants?
There was one report on Sarah Palin. (I hope she gives Katie Couric a back eye sometime.) She was discussing profiling. She said if we had profiled the killer at Fort Hood and not been so concerned about being politically correct those 13 people might still be alive. I think the old word for 'profiling' was 'common sense'. If a person is innocent then who cares if they are profiled? If 62 year old, fat women, with short grey hair and green eyes were blowing up building I would expect to be singled out or profiled. And if I was innocent I wouldn't give a shit if I was.
And where was our great leader while all this was happening in the United States? Well, since he never saw a jet plane he didn't want to climb on he was in Asia looking for someone to bow to. The last piece of news showed Obama taking a stroll on top of the Great Wall of China.

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