

I have written about a couple of the characters who live in this apt complex. That is an endless supply of material for anyone wishing to expound on the subject. There was the crazy kid who threw himself into the prickly shrubs chasing baby ducks and who ran around in nothing but a tee shirt while his business flopped in the breeze. He was a good subject. I have decided to write about a couple of the other. This morning while drinking my coffee I spotted a blond man who was walking his dog. At first I thought he was new here and then realized that it was PRETTY BOY. All summer PRETTY BOY has displayed himself for all the women that he thought were drooling over him. He's about 55 to 65, flabby, wrinkled, has thinning hair and false teeth and is filled with himself. Every morning PRETTY BOY always walked to the office, got a paper and strutted back to the apt. And of course he was waaay to good to pick up the piles of stinking dog shit his animal left along the way. He dresses like the younger men who live here, and fancies himself a real lady killer. About 10 am he would head to the pool to tan that droopy body and the we all got to see his pretentious self as he strutted back yet again. On all his struts he refused to smile or speak to anyone. I'm sure that was to add to his mysterious hotness! I guess he's just so far above all us peons that he can't be bothered with the regular folks. Just when I thought the ugly, conceited, bastard couldn't get any sillier, he dyed his hair beach-boy blond. I mean real blond. I suppose it's to hang onto this persona through the winter. Somebody need to tell him it ain't working. He's old and it shows. Worse he's a silly man who is being laughed at behind his back and he's too stupid to get it. Of course I did my part to make him aware of it this am when I burst into gales of laughter and yell to Elle to. "Come look at PRETTY BOY! He's dyed his hair blond!" He scowled at me and stomped up the stairs. Silly shit!

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